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 Qrew zet de volgende story in the spotlight: The Height of Dishonour [FOTY]



Laatst online: 12 jaar, 266 dagen geleden


xSOUNDTRACK is offline

England Fo'shizzle





< you had me at hello

Get to know me (':

Hiyaa peepz n_n
I'm stefanie, but i think you guys noticed that already. I love music, i play piano, guitar and i would love to learn the drums. But first i would like to be better at guitar and then i could learn the drums. What i absolutely dislike, is that people jugde to easy. You can't always just jugde people based on what they look like, or what they wear. Get to know them first and then you can judge, wether they match your caracter or not. What i also absolutely dislike is that people only listen to one band or just listen to the top40. Guys just get a life, there's is no way you like all of the 40 songs. But still you guys put them on your bandlist. If you don't like the band or the song, then don't go and put them on your bandlist. Some people say that their bandlist is tooo big to write/type it. But when they do, then there are only a few bands on it. I don't have a big bandlist myself but i don't say that it's toooo big to type it! I admit that it's not huge n_n. And what i realy, realy hate is that people jugde other people because of their music. Everyone likes diferent kind of music. Fair, aint it?! So don't judge them because they don't like your music. It's not because someone else doesn't likes your music that you guys can't be friends. Duhn! People like that should get a life >. Let's move on to the things i absolutely love. I love ben and jerry's ice cream and i realy like jelly beans [/the real ones though XD]. Oh, and i love starbucks and cupcakes. That is just so amazingly good! I also love cute little things like hello kitty or dinosaurs [the cute ones, not the real ones(':]. I realy like being social, well only when you're social to me too. And when you're nice to me i'll be nice to you too (:! I freak out when i think of death itself. I try to make today the best day of my life. And live it like i realy want it to. 'Cause you never know when you'll die. I also like writing story's. Not always about the same thing though. For example that a girl loves a boy and that boy likes that girl and happy end. No! I like writing any kind. Although not all of my series/stories are like that here. But i make them ofline and when i'm in the mood or when i want them to get online then i will. But for the moment i'll just stick with the one that i have on now n_n. I like people who are realy down to earth. People who don't think they're it! <3. Like alex Evans and Christofer Drew. I know there are more peepz. But they are the ones that i think that are realy down to earth. I realy respect people like that. Not that i don't have respect for other people. But i think we should aim for being down to earth, and not thinking that you're better than someone else. I think it's kinda funny that you're reading this all. I guess you were kinda bored. Well join me then. When i wrote this, wel damn i was bored XD! But thanx for reading it so far.
Love you guys<3.


3OH!3 . 30 Seconds To Mars . A Rocket To The Moon . All Time Low . Angels And Airwaves . Architects . Bless The Fall . Boys Like Girls . Bring Me The Horizon . Brokencyde . Bullet For My Valentine . Cobra Starship . Cute Is What We Aim For . Delta Delta! . Disturbed . Drop Dead, Gorgeous . Elliot Minor . Enter Shikari . Escape The Fate . Evanescence . Fall Out Boy . Flyleaf . Forever The Sickest Kids . Fort Minor . Green Day . Gym Class Heroes . Katy Perry . Kill Hanah . King Prawn . Lafee . Linkin Park . Lost Prophets . Mark & Alex . Metro Station . Mindless Self Indulgence . My Chemical Romance . Mychildren Mybride . N.E.R.D . NeverShoutNever! . Nickasaur . Panic At The Disco . Papa Roach . Paramore . Red Car Wire . Rise Against . Scary Kids Scaring Kids . Secondhand Serenade . Six Feet Under . Slipknot . Sum 41 . The Academy Is ... . The All-American Rejects . The Pink Spiders . The Rocket Summer . The Word Alive . There For Tomorrow . This Providence . Thousand Foot Krutch . Three Days Grace . VersaEmerge . We The Kings . Yellowcard . You Me At Six .

i never told a lie and that makes me a liar

Q List'
Heartbeat Racing ..
Summer hair & Forever young -Christofer Drew Ingle-
If your heart is a drug, im a downhill addict -Christofer Ingle-
She's running through my dreams [Alex Gaskarth]

© :3 RooArr

Popsicles are yumm'ness :3

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

2 dagen 3 uur

2218 [24 uur]











1 Creaties van xSOUNDTRACK

Gastenboek (7)

  • Gibbs

    Happy B-Day(hoera)

    1 decennium geleden
  • sweetbiatch

    wat doe je me aan?? xD
    ga verder met deel 6 van Christofer drew ingle!!!!!!!!!!!! its so awesome!
    love him <333333
    plz write moreeeee

    1 decennium geleden
  • copyyourname

    Love uur bandlist ^-^

    1 decennium geleden
  • MstRawberRy


    miss kan je je het neit meer herinnern maar help i crashed ryan sheckler deel 2 is er eindelijk

    sorry dat t zo lang duurde maar ja ik heb mijn redenen:P


    1 decennium geleden
  • zoowiezombie

    heey ken jij de band: Black veil brides??? je hebt een goede muziek smaak^^xD

    1 decennium geleden

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